My experimental zone

Entry 01 - 2/5/2024

Hello there!

Hi there! I'm learniing how to write code starting with Html and CSS and rather than taking an expensive class for it like some of my family members have, I instead chose to learn it through.... welll this! Osmossis you could call it. Or practice. Or hands-on experience.

I fully confess unlike the family member of mine who knows how to do this stuff because it's his major and he intends to work in this field, I am far from anyone who wants to code or is skiled at it in any sort of way. I write fanfics as a hobby so I kinda know how to deal with HTML thanks to Ao3 but even with that I don't know much and often have to search things up. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing, but again, I'm no professional, so I actually quite like amalgamating things from various different sources.

I'm still messing around with this and I fully intend to expand to more pages..

As I did meniton, I have an Ao3 but this thing is going to be seperate from all that so I'm not linking any of my social media here. Idk, this is a place of experiments so I don't exactly see any merit in showing this off or anything lmao.

I suppose for now, besides the origins box on the side, or the to do list I could express my interest in this space Honestly, Though this place says "home" i doubt the text or the content will stay the same. I'm sentimental in a way so I'll probably end up saving the code or something on another page so I can look for it and copy paste the adjustments I wanna make. Idk. Maybe it's just me being a writer and being able to cut and paste things from past works into different stories. I'm pretty sure i can do the same here I guess.

Oh! besides coding for Html and CSS I also wanna explore the basics at least of Javascript, and I've been advised to start with scratch! Funny to think about as I recall poking around there at a young age. Perhaps I'd be able to tinker around with it again and pick up the process? I'm not sure. Javascript still sounds hella intimidating to me so I'm not sure how to handle all of that mess. Who knows? maybe I'd do better with some of the stuff and be able to code around and have some fun making cool things run on my computer! I don't know lol. Would probably be helpful in some work fields though. Especially since a lot of people really need tech abilities in the workplace. Ah... idk idk. I mean I doubt HTML will let me survive forever lol. Who knows though.

at the very least, one thing I do wanna try out is coding a mini website for my cousin Izzy. He's using a canva website but it would be pretty cool to get an HTML website perhaps... maybe not as smooth, but way more interactive and impressive to navigate at least. Ah.... there's a lot of websites already up and available though, these things are really just old antique artifacts... but that doesn't make them any less impressive!! ouagh. Maybe I'll stick to html for now? ohhhh but I'm also kinda curious for scratch.... I will need some sort of project to keep my attention around there though... Idk maybe I can at least learn how to code some javascript for this website I guess? Idk. lol.

hmmmm.... I checked out Scratch upon it's reccomendation and it's almost startling to see how much the website changed from when I last used it lol. It's no longer bright yellow the way I remember it but a soft-ish purple and white (dark purple and black under my dark reader lmao) It's also rather explicitly marketed towards children as an education service which, well admittedly, I don't recall if it was marketed to children though I do know it's always been seen as rather child friendly with the coding language and all. I'm browsing through the website a bit though and there are a few things that look pretty impressive! Not to mention the person who reccomended me the thing is making a game themself, something simmilar to the Arcana (I'm hoping to make Muriel the star of my first image gallary lmao) which sounds really cool and impressive!

Ahhhhh idk idk idk. So much of life and experience is on the internet nowadays and I feel the itch and urge to teach myself these things as soon as possible so I can provide help in this field rather than require it.... Idk It's always good to ask for help, I don't need to become entirely self sufficient but knowing at least a little could make these processes easier at least, and could totally give me a leg up compared to others in that highly competative job market. I'd hate to do code things for a living though.

well.... then again, I don't really know what I'd like to do for a living..... I help myself to all these tools and knowledge that could benefit me in my life and experiences but Idk if I'd actually want to or survive making it into my job. I know I don't want to turn my writing hobby into a job even if I am pretty good at it, but I'm also not sure what to do with a degree in psychology. Idk, I suppose I'll explore for now. The same way I'm doing with this, really. At the very least I'd be able to pick up different skills hopefully.

*Sighs* I dunno. I still feel so.... sheltered in a lot of ways. I'm really not sure if I'll be ready to manage and handle the "real world" and all that. Like there's so much stress for me in my life right now, what will happen to me when I Have to deal with others? My social skills really aren't the greatest but.... Hopefully I'll manage.

you know what? no, I will manage. I'll figure out a way. there's no use dwelling on what ifs and maybes. I can do it. I'll belive in myself (as cheezy as that sounds lmao)

also button?? BUTTON! IT Worked!!! now I just need a page for those lol :sweatdropsmile: I also need emojis